The 10 Home Food Safety Myths and Facts you should be aware of!


Over the years we have all heard advice related to food safety.  Some of this advice rings true, while other guidance is just plain wrong!  The Partnership launched Home Food Safety Mythbusters in 2009 to debunk common food safety myths and to give you, the consumer, actionable steps you can follow to protect yourself and your family from food poisoning.

About one in six Americans – 48 million people – will get a foodborne illness this year, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates.  We want to help keep you and your loved ones from becoming part of that statistic! 10.graphicWe’ve taken the most persistent home food safety myths from over the years and given them a refresh for 2016!   Take a look at the Fight BAC!  Top 10 Home Food Safety Myths and Facts by going to

Do you have a food safety anecdote that relates to our Top 10 Myths and Facts?  Did we bust a myth that you thought was true?  Click here to share your story — we’d love to hear from you!

Also, feel free to share these educational materials with other members of your community!  Keep Fighting BAC!®