Fight BAC! ® for Health and Wellness


Nutrition and food safety go hand in hand for whole health


The BAC Fighters at the National Institutes of Health Division of Nutrition Research Coordination (NIH/DNRC) believe that food safety is integral to a complete health and wellness plan!

These BAC Fighters distributed materials from the Partnership for Food Safety Education at the NIH Safety, Health and Wellness Day on August 28, 2013. The He’s BAC Story Book and the Food Safety on the Move Flyer both made an appearance to educate NIH employees on food safety.

The goal of the event is to enhance employee nutrition, wellness, physical fitness, safety awareness, and reduce work related injuries and illnesses. We’re happy that PFSE materials helped to enhance employee wellness by keeping food safety top of mind.

The NIH DNRC’s primary mission is coordinating nutrition research and research training initiatives at NIH. You can read more at

We thank the BAC Fighters at NIH/DNRC for they work they do to incorporate Fighting BAC! into their nutrition initiatives!