Eat Smart, Move More…and Fight BAC! ®


FNP Field Report PHOTO Resized_078e9e1fafcc3ff43608853b5c14f310

Harmful BAC (bacteria) that can be in food isn’t part of anyone’s plan for a healthy body.

Virginia’s Family Nutrition Program is working to make sure BAC stays off the menu for the state’s limited – resource families.  They are Fighting BAC!® every day with food safety as a required component of all FNP curricula. Teaching safe food handling is one way the FNP is teaching limited-resource families and youth how to make smart food choices. Participants are expected to demonstrate acceptable food safety practices upon completion of the program.

What’s next on the FNP agenda? Preparing to Fight BAC!® for the upcoming school year! Nutrition Outreach Instructors use food safety print materials from The Partnership for Food Safety Education to create fun and interactive kits for the Smart Food Safety portion of their 3rd-7th grade curriculum, Healthy Weights for Healthy Kids. BAC won’t stand a chance against these healthy kids!

The VA Family Nutrition Program strives to teach limited-resource families and youth to make healthier food choices and become better managers of available food resources for optimal health and growth.  Check out their Facebook  page here: