Kansas State University’s Fight BAC Class



Stephanie Castillo Teaches First and Second Grade Students the Core 4

Stephanie Castillo with Kansas State University taught food safety to first and second grade after school students this autumn. Her “Fight BAC Class” teaches food safety basics, such as hand-washing practices, to after school program kids. First, she begins her lesson with an illustration of the fast growth rate of illness-causing bacteria with a marble multiplication experiment .  After a short break for “germ tag” and a healthy snack, Stephanie and the students talked about the importance of  hand washing; hands should be washed with warm water and soap for twenty seconds every time before you eat and every time after you use the bathroom. The kids concluded that it is better to wash with warm water and soap but to use hand sanitizer when water and soap is not available. They were sent home with a food safety quiz to do alongside their parents.