Latest News from the Partnership for Food Safety Education

It’s a Home Baking Bonanza!

Not unlike a delicious yeast bread, consumer spending on home baking rises during the holiday season. Cookies, cakes, pies and breads are delicious traditional goodies for winter holiday celebrations. According to NCSolutions, household spending on sweet and dessert items have been high throughout the COVID-19 pandemic…

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This Thanksgiving — Simple, Safe & Sane

Keeping your family safe from a foodborne illness is more important than ever. With the healthcare system fully employed to help people who have coronavirus, it is important to stay healthy and stay out of the hospital emergency room…

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Fight BAC! on the Farm

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “farm”? Perhaps you picture a huge field with stalks and vegetables. Many people don’t think about farms providing safe food for our families to eat. Food safety on the farm is not usually front of our minds on a day-to-day basis. But when a food recall makes the news, we may wonder are farmers keeping our food safe?

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Consumer Education Best of Times

We have seen such a dichotomy of events throughout the year that has been 2020. The impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on those involved within the food system has been unprecedented. The pandemic has been likened to a hurricane that knows no shore. With the closure of dine-in restaurants, the retail…

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New Recipes to Cure Home Cooking Fatigue

Just when you’ve run out of ideas for easy and tasty meals at home, PFSE has released new safe recipes and the online safe recipes activity for middle school kids learning at home. The new Safe Recipe Cookbook features 10 recipes unlike those usually found online. These recipes include food safety…

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Kids Building Safe Recipes Online Activity!

Research shows that people who follow recipes with food safety instructions are more likely to practice food safety behaviors. Consistently practicing food safety behaviors will help reduce the risk of foodborne illness. When handwashing instructions are included in…

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Is Your Dinner the Same Old, Same Old?

We’ve all been doing a lot more cooking at home lately. I mean, a lot. In fact, 51% of Americans have been preparing more meals at home. Yet, only 26% have become better at planning those meals across the week. While it was fun at first to bake bread and take…

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