The Toolbox: Quick Tips and Tools - Sharing and Evaluating Educational Information
For sharing and evaluating educational information online – when time and resources are limited.
Plan and Prepare
Create a promotion plan and timeline that includes the launch date of the new educational resource, a description of how materials will be promoted, and a list of potential partners that can help with promotion.
Use social media to promote your online resource. Designate hashtags related to the resource topic and draft sample Tweets and posts for Twitter and Facebook that link to and promote your materials.
Partner with organizations or businesses in your area that have a similar target audience to support the promotion of your new materials through their own social media channels and connections. Potential partners include teachers, grocery stores, food banks, libraries, or community centers. You can also reach out to local journalists or bloggers (such as food or mommy bloggers) to let them know about your latest efforts and ask them to help spread the word about your new resources.
Use these tables to track Web and social media metrics(downloads below). You can modify the tables by removing or adding new columns. You can also use the tables to compare data, such as the monthly average of unique visits, in months prior and after the release of your new materials or activity. For example, you might want to compare Web page views 3 months before and 3 months after your launch.
Conduct key informant interviews with other food safety educators or partners you are working with to supplement the Web analytics you collect. You can also create a brief online survey using the Educational Material Feedback Form template (downloads below) to gather feedback from individuals who have used your materials.
Analyze and share evaluation findings with staff, stakeholders, policy-makers, and program participants. Highlight challenges and successes and reflect on the data to determine how materials or promotion strategies might be improved.