Jazmin Nuno of the San Ysidro Health Center


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Cooking for a Healthy Lifestyle Program Teaches Food Safety to Adults

Jazmin Nuno is a Health Educator for the Cooking for a Healthy Lifestyle Program at San Ysidro Health Center in San Diego, California. The San Ysidro Health Center (SYHC) is a non-profit community health center, dedicated and committed to improving the health and well-being of underserved communities In the Central and South Region of San Diego. Jazmin oversees the cooking class program, which promotes food safety and encourages healthy eating habits in adults. The first class is dedicated to preventing foodborne illness. She loves using the Fight BAC!® produce brochure because it’s very easy for her students to understand and use at home. She also teaches the correct temperatures and food thermometer use in her two classes per week, which have 4-7 adults in them.