Whether you attended the CFSEC2017 or not!
The late January 2017 Consumer Food Safety Education Conference- Advancing Food Safety Though Behavior Change showed what a powerful force for preventive health we are! The conference shined a bright light on the outstanding work of BAC Fighters in the United States and beyond.
Keep the Momentum Going!
Tap into the lessons and resources that were shared by top experts in the field and our peers. Use these new tools and resources to build more effective programming and to build on your history of helping to keep consumers safe from food borne illness.
Here are 3 specific boosts you can start with:
Boost #1 – Review conference presentations fightbac.org/events/conference-2017-presentations/ and take just one day to consider how what you learned can be put to work for better consumer health today, next month, or in the year ahead!
Boost #2 – Consider your “A-ha” moment. What really hit you while listening to a conference presenter? Write and tell us about it: mary.choate@fightbac.firelinkonline.com
Boost #3 – Start simply with evaluation in 2017! Get your team on board to use the new Evaluation Toolbox and Guide http://evaluationguide.fightbac.org
Watch ecards from the non-profit Partnership for Food Safety Education throughout February for more ways to boost your consumer programming in the year ahead!